Where Stars Land, Incheongonghang Saramdeul , Incheon Airport People , Yeowoogakshibyeol , 인천공항 사람들 , People of Incheon Airport , Fox Bride Star , Star of the Foxes
Where Stars Land follows the existences of laborers at Incheon Air terminal, and specifically, the cooperations between a cumbersome, yet effervescent, lady named Han Yeo Reum and a thorny and puzzling man named Lee Soo Yeon. Han Yeo Reum is a first year individual from the Traveler Administrations group and is everything except common. She needs to be a stickler and get all that right however her exceptionally cumbersome and careless nature conflicts with this fantasy. She has a decent heart and endeavors to make the best choice regardless of whether it implies conflicting with the guidelines. Lee Soo Yeon is likewise a first year individual from the General Arranging division. He is a fussbudget who needs only to be normal. He moved on from KAIST and longed for turning into a pilot. He appears to be cold and reserved when as a matter of fact he is forlorn, however a strange mystery he conceals makes him reduce most, if not all, connection with everybody he cooperates with. At the point when these two total inverse people cooperate, they get going at some unacceptable foot. Be that as it may, over the long haul, could an adoration at any point create?