Ip Man, Yip Man
Set in 1930s Foshan, China, a region known for its combative techniques ability, Ip Man carries on with the great existence of a prosperous hand to hand fighting expert. Ip Man commits most of his opportunity to improving his abilities in the craft of Wing Chung while residing happily with his better half and youngster in a house like home. Consistently, experts of the numerous hand to hand fighting clubs come to Ip's home to move him to a duel. These duels are completely finished in the mystery of Ip's home, as Ip Man is an unassuming man and never needs to humiliate his companions - on the grounds that they will definitely get their butst given to them by Expert Ip. Then, at that point, Ip Man's reality gets flipped around by the flare-up of the Second Sino-Japanese Conflict and the resulting intrusion of China by the Japanese Supreme Armed force.