Be With You, Have to Love , Every Step is Wrong , Bu De Bu Ai , 步步错 , Can't Love Without You , Can't Avoid Love ,
This is about the appreciation and feelings of resentment of the rich and strong, their adoration can't stand snare. This is an adoration game, with waiting craving and torment. They initially met while they were youthful, their sentiments were loaded up with propensities. At the point when they meet once more, everything is as of now not unadulterated. He is a financial specialist, so is familiar with utilizing system to get all that he needs. Confronting her who had gotten back with contempt, will everything be bound to opposite and start from the very beginning once more? One stage is off-base, each step is off-base. Thinking back, maybe there is still love. However, this affection is connected with disdain and this undertaking is connected with personal circumstance. Maybe they, when all is said and done, are likewise hazy how much is really true. Who dares to concede: as a matter of fact, satisfaction isn't far away from them.