Falling Into You, Chi Dao , 熾道
For his entire life, Duan Yu Cheng has had just a single dream: to turn into a top notch high jumper. Sadly, his level has made accomplishing this fantasy everything except incomprehensible. Or then again it would, assuming that he were some other competitor. Being the cheerful young fellow that he is, Yu Cheng won't allow his limits to hinder his fantasies. Completely mindful of the way that he really wants proficient direction, Yu Cheng desires to enroll the assistance of experienced games collaborator, Luo Na. With plans to select at the college where Luo Na mentors, Yu Cheng desires to land a spot in Luo Na's group and utilize her skill to make his fantasies of high bouncing work out. In any case, chasing after one's fantasies takes in excess of an arrangement, it takes coarseness and assurance that couple of have. In spite of confronting various difficulties and set-backs, Yu Cheng will not surrender. Fully backed up by Luo Na and his partners, does Yu Cheng have the stuff to transform his deep rooted dreams into the real world?