Wo De Xiao Que Xing [2021]

My Little Happiness [2021]
My Little Happiness [2021]

My Little Happiness, Wo de xiao que xing , 你是我的小确幸 , Ni Shi Wo De Xiao Que Xing , My Small Indeed Fortunate , My little Luck , You Are Indeed My Little Fortune

Native Title:我的小确幸
Release Jan 13, 2021
Quality HD
Edit By Kiss Oppa
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama
Top CastsTang Xiao Tian, Xing Fei, Huang Yi Lin
{quality}=HD {episode}=Completed {year}=28{cc}

Cong Rong has long longed for turning into a legal counselor, however her mom still up in the air to see her little girl concentrate on finance abroad. Trusting that her girl will effectively settle down some place abroad, Cong Rong's mom won't take "no" for a response. Incapable to persuade her mom to let her seek after her fantasies, Cong Rong must choose the option to do as her mom wishes. Or on the other hand isn't that right? After effectively persuading her mom that she has embarked for far off lands, Cong Rong subtly gets back to start function as a legitimate understudy. Taking on her most memorable case, Cong Rong encounters her cherished, lifelong companion, Wen Shao Qing. Presently a specialist, Shao Qing isn't simply Cong Rong's client, he's likewise her landowner and nearby neighbor. Integrated by the consistently fixing strings of destiny, Cong Rong and Shao Qing wind up moving nearer, in spite of their earnest attempts. Taken part in an endless skirmish of brains, the cherished, lifelong companions might battle against the ties that tight spot them, yet how long can they oppose the unavoidable?

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