Xiao Nian Shou Yu Zhuo Yao Shi [2024]

New Year Beast and Demon Hunter [2024]
New Year Beast and Demon Hunter [2024]

New Year Beast and Demon Hunter, Xiao Nian Shou Yu Zhuo Yao Shi , 小年獸與捉妖師

Native Title:小年兽与捉妖师
Release Feb 5, 2024
Quality HD
Edit By Kiss Oppa
Genre: Historical, Drama
Top CastsDeemo, Xia Tian
{quality}=HD {episode}=Completed {year}=05{cc}

As per legend, Baijia Town was an obscure mountain town quite a while back. Legend had it that there was an exceptionally horrendous beast. A narrator said that the beast was named Nian Monster. Little Nian Monster and the Evil spirit Tracker were tuning in as an afterthought. Nian Monster was exceptionally irate when she heard this, and said that they didn't eat youngsters however just ate chestnut cakes. Nian Monster's indignation caused areas of strength for a. A while later, the Evil spirit Tracker immediately made sense of that she was his cousin. Tragically, a kid lit a few fireworks, making the horns of the little Nian Monster be uncovered, so both of them needed to take off. Hearing the Legend made Nian Monster exceptionally miserable in light of the fact that she needed to be preferred and not despised. Luckily The Devil Tracker had a Book of Retrospection, making it conceivable to return to the principal New Year in history to perceive how the Nian Monster's standing was demolished.

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